You can help us reach Europe for Christ by accelerating church planting on our continent! Our vision is to see one church for every 1,000 Europeans. Below are some of the partners that are helping make this happen. We would love to partner with you, as well!

Our Partners

Antioch Network

BFP "Association of Pentecostal Churches" (Germany)

Crosspoint Ministries (Belgium)

Elim France (France)

Europe Shall Be Saved (Europe)

Exponential Europe

FIDA International (Finland)

Finnish Pentecostal Movement (Finland)

Freie Christengemeinde Österreich (Austria)

Freie Evangelische Gemeinde (Germany)

International Pentecostal Holiness Church

Mülheimer Verband FEG (Germany)

National Church Planting Process / NC2P (Europe)

Oxygen Church, family of churches (Ukraine)

Pentecostal Movement, Poland

Pentecostal Movement, France

Pentecostal Movement, Czech Republic

Prayer for the Church of Norway (Norway)

Rhema Bible Training College (Europe)

The Evangelical Free Church of Finland (Finland)

VM International (Germany)

365 Verwaltung gGmbH (Germany)

Ways to Partner

Partner Your Organisation with DCPI

DCPI will partner with you to help you to develop a thriving church planting movement within your network or organization – providing training, coaching, mentoring and resources for you to implement within your own given structure. If you are a national leader and have a vision given to you by the Holy Spirit to plant churches, then we at DCPI are excited to support you in the fulfillment of your vision. We believe that God is calling us to partner together with leaders all over Europe to impact the planting of 700,000 new churches. It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to help you realize your God-given vision through the use of our training resources, encouragement and training of the leaders you will raise up to plant churches.

Become a DCPI Certified Trainer

If you have attended a DCPI training and have experience in church planting, you can partner with DCPI by becoming a Certified Trainer. Certified Trainers are persons with church planting experience and a proven teaching gift who multiply the ministry of DCPI by being part of our teaching teams.

As soon as you have been certified as a trainer, you are authorized to teach any tracks you have personally attended. Please look out our “Training Events” page for a Trainer Certification being held near you, or contact our office to get more information about future certifications.

Become a Prayer Warrior

DCPI was born in prayer and we know it is crucial that all of our work begins with and is empowered through prayer. We are always looking for individuals who will become prayer partners, praying regularly for specific goals, projects and the needs of DCPI Europe. If you would like to become a DCPI Prayer Ambassador and commit to praying for DCPI for one hour each week, let us know!

To get involved as a Prayer Partner, please fill out the form. We will follow-up with you about how to join our weekly zoom call or how to connect with our WhatsApp Group for weekly updates.

Donate Directly to DCPI Europe

We are a ministry that operates on the principle of “Give and it shall be given” – responding to God’s direction to make our training available to all, free of charge. We rely on the giving of those who God directs to fund all of our ministry operations.

Please ask the Lord what He would have you to do. If there is not yet a way to donate in your nation then you can donate to our main account in France through IBAN transfer or Stripe.

Account Info for France Transfers:

Account Holder: DCPI Europe

IBAN: FR76 1027 8079 4400 0210 3410 101


Donate & Receive Tax Benefits in Your Nation

We have partnered with churches and organizations in different nations to make it possible for you to donate to DCPI Europe through our partners so you can receive tax benefits in certain nations.

Account Info for Belgium Transfers:

Account Holder: Crosspoint

IBAN: BE91103077348676


Account Info for Germany Transfers:

Account Holder: 365 Verwaltung ggmbh - DCPI Europe

IBAN: DE40 7116 0000 0504 2216 30


Join Our Teams

Are you interested in becoming a full-time or part-time missionary? Or volunteering your time with DCPI Europe?

We would enjoy getting to connect with you to talk about possibilities. God is on the move in Europe and we want to invite you to join the team and find out what your personal calling within the vision could be.


Your generous donation to DCPI allows us to provide resources for trainings happening all the time, all over EUROPE! When you give to our work, you are joining God in completing the Great Commission!


Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1994 in the USA with the vision of training leaders in every country of the world to plant dynamic churches to reach the world for Jesus. In 2023, we officially founded the DCPI Europe non-profit to serve Europe more effectively. We offer all of our trainings free of charge, so that hundreds of thousands of men and women called by God can take the Gospel to their tribes, tongues, and nations. We offer 8 tracks of training built upon biblical principles and actionable applications, so DCPI churches are effective and healthy. In 2021, we celebrated 1 MILLION churches!








We send regular updates about what God is doing in our world zone, and we would love to include you! Subscribe below!

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